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Rechercher dans les résultats

1 - 8 parmi 8
  • 2182A Ultra-Low Resistance Configurations

    Configurations de résistances ultra-faibles gamme 6200/2182A de Keithley

    Mesure des résistances jusqu’au microohm avec une source de courant contrôlée
  • Precision, Low Current Sources for Device Testing and Characterization
    Technical Document

    Precision, Low Current Sources for Device Testing and Characterization

    High accuracy, low noise sourcing combined with exceptional ease of use.
  • Test de batterie de voiture électrique

    Test de batterie de voiture électrique

    Visitez cette page Web pour en savoir plus sur les techniques et les solutions de test et de mesure des cellules, modules et packs de batteries EV.
  • Hall Effect Measurements in Materials Characterization
    Technical Document

    Hall Effect Measurements in Materials Characterization

    Hall effect measurements have been valuable tools for material characterization since Edwin Hall discovered the phenomenon in 1879. Essentially, the Hall effect can be observed when the combination of a magnetic field …
  • Hall Effect Measurements Essential for Characterizing High Carrier Mobility
    Technical Document

    Hall Effect Measurements Essential for Characterizing High Carrier Mobility

    The Hall effect can be observed when the combination of a magnetic field through a sample and a current along the length of the sample create an electrical current perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the current, which in turn …
  • Keithley Instrumentation for Electrochemical Test Methods and Applications
    Technical Document

    Keithley Instrumentation for Electrochemical Test Methods and Applications

    This application note discusses a variety of electrochemical applications, including voltammetry, low and high resistivity measurements, battery test, potentiometry, electrodeposition, electrical device characterization, and other tests that involve sourcing and measuring current and voltage and measuring capacitance with high accuracy.
  • Oscilloscopes multidomaines

    Oscilloscopes multidomaines

    Oscilloscope intégré 6-en-1 personnalisable qui peut entièrement être mis à niveau avec des aperçus synchronisés des signaux analogiques, numériques et RF
  • An Improved Method for Differential Conductance Measurements
    Technical Document

    An Improved Method for Differential Conductance Measurements

    Keithley's approach to differential conductance, a four-wire, source current/measure voltage technique, uses the 6220 and 6221 Current Sources and 2182A Nanovoltmeter.  The current sources combine the DC and AC components into one source, with no need to do a secondary measure of the current, because its output is much less dependent on the changing device impedance